I can remember when I was pregnant, vividly remember. I remember praying every single night that my child would have a kind and gentle and sweet spirit. I can remember…
child training
He Grew Up Today…
He grew up today…. He pulled on his boots and walked right through my front door. He grew up today… He rarely says “mama” anymore—it’s mostly just “mom”. Unless he’s…
Sons and Daughters (Part 1) | Raising Our Boys to Be Men
Part 1 in a series about raising boys to be kind men, and raising girls to be courageous women. In society, I’m a brand new mom. I’m only (almost) 7…
The Smallest of Salvations is the Biggest in the Kingdom
When I was growing up, salvation and “getting saved” to me always meant believing in Jesus so that you wouldn’t end up in hell. What kid wants to end up…
Why I Let My Child Help Process Animals on the Homestead
Recently, I read a blog post condemning families who allow their children to help process animals. Saying it was disgusting and vile (probably written by someone who doesn’t even eat…