I hear it about once or twice a month. From friends, family, facebook. It’s always that one sentence that is uttered, and while it is said to make me feel…
What is Faith?
He looked up at me with those ocean deep blue eyes, he knew I was terrified to let him go, but mostly, he was terrified that I wouldn’t let him…
Preparing Your Rooster’s Comb for Winter
Did you know that most rooster combs don’t need any special frost bite preventative’s during the Winter months? Contrary to popular belief, most breeds are very well equipped to…
“Apathy is a dangerous thing to have in your heart….”
My heart change journey began about a year ago. It seems like a lifetime, but honestly, it wasn’t that long ago. I’ve seen the most growth in the past 8…
“Give it a try…,” whisper’s the heart.
I am dog tired this morning. I am exhausted, my body aches, I have a headache (on top of other womanly issues today), and the cloudy sky is not a…
{Raising Dairy Goats} From someone who’s never owned them….
A couple of months ago my neighbor brought me some fresh goats milk, and I have been hooked ever since. I could not believe the richness and flavor that was…