I can still remember that feeling — that punch in the gut that doesn’t go away. I was still fairly new to the wonderful world of chickens, and everything had…
Hatchery Chicks and Pasty Butt
This morning we stopped into our local farm store to get a few things. Naturally, we look at chicks/ducklings while we’re there—though it’s pointless for us to purchase any since…
So, You Want to Raise Chickens? | The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.
I can still remember the day my husband said, “let’s get chickens”. It wasn’t a pleasant moment. You see, I had been tossing the idea around for awhile, but he…
Wintertime Hatching
It’s inevitable — every single year I get the urge to hatch chicks or ducklings, and every single time I decide to hatch them during the coldest months of the…
Preparing Your Rooster’s Comb for Winter
Did you know that most rooster combs don’t need any special frost bite preventative’s during the Winter months? Contrary to popular belief, most breeds are very well equipped to…