In one of my recent writings, I spoke about how the world is trying to create this new reality where everyone is “verified”. The internet as we know it won’t be available to you unless you are “verified”. Which means businesses will be shut down, YouTube channels will be deleted, farms won’t be able to buy and sell online anymore. In fact, that’s already happening in regard to livestock. Now is the most crucial time in recent history where the church and homesteading communities need to build exactly that–communities. But many of you asked the question “why” and “how do you know this” and “what now?”
Let me first start by giving you some insight to my life, what the Lord has shown me, and how connections are made supernaturally. But also, know that there are some pieces, just like in chess, that the Lord hasn’t prompted me to share. And so, there may be gaps where you still have questions, and those questions will have to remain. Don’t be too quick to make assumptions—but instead be led by the Holy Spirit, and He will guide you.
If nothing more, be sure to read what I believe is prophetically coming in the next seven years towards the end of this post.
It All Began in 2016
Well, for us, at least. Eight years prior to that, in 2008, when the Lord shared a vision with a friend, is probably a more likely point of beginning, but we weren’t aware of that yet. We didn’t know about this vision until 2021, but that’s simply because the Lord didn’t want us to hear it until then…we weren’t ready yet.
In 2016, the Lord used some of my worst emotions and bad places in life to prompt me to begin a homesteading conference. And so, in September of 2016 I began Homesteaders of America. In October 2017, we had our very first annual conference. I had zero event planning experience. In fact, I remember saying that if this event didn’t fall completely into place by a miracle, then it wasn’t from God. But that’s exactly what happened—it fell into place with little effort from me. We expected 300 people, but had 1,500 in attendance. Now, in 2023, our seventh annual event is expecting 6,000, which maxes out our venue for the fourth year in a row.
Over the last seven years people have asked me how I’ve built what I’ve built so quickly. They don’t believe me when I say that this knowledge, wisdom, motivation, work ethic, and experience came from God alone. He equips those who are willing to say yes, and who continue to say yes to Him over and over again. It was not by my power, but His. I was simply the tool in the Crafter’s hand that made it come to fruition.
In 2018, at our second event, we hosted 3,500 people. In 2019, we hosted 4,500 people. In 2020, we had to take the event online instead of in person. And in 2021, when life began getting back to normal, we maxed out the event venue (a fairgrounds) with around 6,000 people in attendance. In 2022 we sold out the event online in about 5 months. And now, in 2023, our tickets went on sale in January, and were sold out in 45-days while many other homesteading events have begged people to purchase tickets.
So what’s the difference? What’s happening? What’s so special here?
The Spiritual Versus the Physical
There are a few different spheres of homesteading. All of these spheres serve a purpose. You should support all of these events that aren’t Homesteaders of America (HOA) events, too, because they also serve a purpose. But let’s break down a few things.
You have the trendy homesteaders who do this as an Instagram hobby, have overly beautified spaces, and strive towards a romanticized homesteading life. Many times these types of homesteads fade away when work becomes too hard, or too ugly. Sometimes because of lack of support, too. However, a lot of them still remain, but mostly just for hobby gardening. Many times these are women with a focus on homemaking and family, and bringing in an alternative income. Nothing wrong with that, in fact, I encourage it. God is using this to influence, for sure. And He has a plan for those who remain steadfast in Him.
You have the long-haul homesteaders who are in this for the long haul, who either grew up around it or who know that it’s a necessary way of living. They believe that homesteading is crucial and necessary for their communities and their family. They are the builders. They are often times very family focused, food focused, and a husband and wife team that work together fairly well. While they may have an online presence, homesteading and family are their main focus. Their focus is “building”.
You have the prepping homesteaders who dabble a bit in growing their own food, but focus mostly on storing away store bought canned and dried goods. This could be due to needing to support themselves or their community during a time of crisis, without the realization that they actually need to continue to replenish that food source by gaining the proper skills or connections to learn how. However, the Lord will also use this. Many of these people live on land that is not easy to homestead on. Or they live in cities. You’ll see soon why God will use this to His fullness, and it’s amazing.
There are urban and rural homesteaders, homesteading wannabe’s and homesteading has-beens. But they all serve a purpose.
You have a whole lot of options when it comes to homesteading and different kinds of homesteaders, but there is a very clear dividing line when you look at the community and what drives them—the world, or the Holy Spirit.
The world homesteads and preps because of fear. Those led by the Spirit homestead because they know there is a greater purpose, and they only fear God.
When a homesteader at heart, or a homesteader in the physical, suddenly realizes that there is a greater purpose in the lifestyle they are living, they tend to have an “ah-ha” moment. Why do I feel a drawing of the Holy Spirit to this life? Why is it not just about food anymore, it’s about more than this?
Why do I feel prompted to buy large amounts of land when I don’t have a farming bone in my body”?
Why do I feel like God wants me to learn how to hand grind wheat, and even grow that wheat?
Why do I feel like my living room is going to be full of people one day that I don’t even know? How will they even find me? Why are they finding me?
The “why” they are finding you is the mystery I don’t feel the need to share. But the how? Well, that’s through the Holy Spirit, my friend.
Why do you feel prompted? Because of God.
Why do you feel like you should learn more skills? Because of God.
Why do you feel like you’re going to have to be hospitable to people when you aren’t typically hospitable? Because of God.
How do I know this? Let me continue my story…
The Shift in 2021
That October morning was crisp and cool, like a good autumn morning should be. It was our first in-person event after the 2020 health debacle, and we were grossly unprepared for what was about to transpire. It is normal for us to sell 5,000 tickets, with about 15%+ of those people never actually showing up to the event. But this time, they all showed up.
Over 5,500 people descended on the fairgrounds all at one time. Traffic was backed up on the interstate for hours. Some of our speakers couldn’t even get to the stage in time. We had to send security team members into the traffic, then climb back over a fence in order to retrieve speakers that went on during the morning hours of the event.
We went from 25 porta-potties to almost 50, because the lines for bathrooms were so backed up. Thank the Lord for the potty company. All of our food vendors couldn’t keep up and ran out of food. Tents were overflowing by the thousands with chairs. And a police officer from the county walked up to me and said, “if you don’t get this in order by tomorrow morning, we’re shutting you down.” Thankfully, we did get it in order, only by the grace of God and a skilled team.
Let’s go back a little further in 2021, though…
Earlier that year, things had already started shifting. The Lord had prepared my heart, and had already been prompting me to realize that “homesteading”, and the movement of homesteading, was being used for His glory. And He would show me exactly why very soon.
Suddenly I knew that the removal of a set of previous business partners (one in 2019 and one in 2020) wasn’t just physical, it was a necessary Spiritual action that had to take place. They had served their purpose, but what was coming couldn’t be tainted, and there was no room for arguing over the Spiritual aspect of it all. It was hard, but the Lord brought things to my attention that made it easier to process. Thankfully, He also had grace. Did I walk out those instances in Godliness? Not really, my life was still chaotic. But God showed so much grace that I will forever be grateful for.
At the beginning of 2021, I began hearing stories, monthly, of homesteads being places of “refuge”. This was new and unheard of. Why was it happening all of a sudden? This was a new verbiage I had never heard before. And I knew, God was about to reveal it to me in a greater and deeper way.
Then, in June, my husband and I were invited to a private dinner with several other leaders in our community and church. We listened to a friend share a vision they had back in 2008, where the Lord showed them what was coming to America (in detail), and how He was preparing His people. His exact words were “creating places of refuge”.
Oh, I see. Did I ever see. And I wept. And I wept some more. Suddenly the Lord took me back on a journey through a vision over the hardships of the previous four years. Why had it been so hard? Why had I experienced so much opposition, even right within my own home? Why had I seen so much favor from the Lord and yet so much hurt from community, friends, and family? I knew why now—there was always a greater purpose, and the devil was trying way hard to get me off that purposeful path.
I now had a supportive husband, a growing family, and a firm(er) foundation in Christ. The previous four years had been years of getting my house in order and fighting a spiritual battle, now, it was time for the Lord to show us why.
And so, as 5,500+ people descended on us that October day, I was now not just looking at people who thought it was cool to homestead. I was now looking at thousands of people who were creating places of refuge in the United States (and beyond). For themselves, their families, their communities, and people they don’t even know.
We know this to be true—homesteaders and small farms will be the backbone of America once again. They will feed the American people when whatever is coming is implemented. But homesteads and farms will be even more than that with the Holy Spirit at the wheel. And not just in America, but the whole world.
We are building Goshen, one homestead at a time.
Which brings me to now…
The Joseph Mantle & 2023
There are a lot of things I’ve left out. Truly, it’s a conversation to have in-person, over coffee, if you’re willing to sit down and listen. But most aren’t, I have found. Everyone wants the cliff notes and to be used mightily by God, but people don’t want to take the time to truly build a community network. One day, though, they will.
And so I’ll give you the cliff-notes, because they’re just as important. But to see the tangible hand of God through it all, I save that for those who truly are dedicated to the call. While I wish all to know, I know that all are not a team player. There are plenty of Judas’s in the world, and we must guard ourselves through spiritual discernment.
Moving onto the cliff-notes…
Last year, 2022, we welcomed our third child into this big world. I was able to cultivate a great team to help me run the show while I tended to the most important thing—family. But towards the end of 2022 the Lord clearly showed me that I was about to enter into a season of rest. He was setting me down on the sidelines. I was sitting this one (2023) out. If you are used to pounding the gates of hell and building new things, this sounds like torture to you. Trust me, it is if you aren’t obedient to the Lord. You’ll simply get in His way—don’t be that person.
What I have found thus far in 2023 is that He has actually been using this time to refine me, build me, teach me, and love on me. And it has been amazing.
When 2023 began, it came in like a roaring lion. It was loud. There were a lot of moving parts. And simultaneously the Lord said to me “you (and HOA) are going to be attacked this year, but sit down, let Me handle this”. And handle it, He did. Time and time again, I haven’t had to lift one finger. He has fought the battle, and won. I have also had to learn to hear His voice through the chaos, even with friends or family. Not everything is of God, and this is where discernment is key.
I have had my name slandered, my businesses attacked, and I have watched people who believe homesteading (and events) to be a competition, try to run the HOA name through the mud. But, God…
This is not my business, this is God’s business. This is God’s plan, not mine. I gave that up years ago. Through sticky strings held on a bit, 2023 has also cut those ties and strings of emotions.
My purpose was made clear as this year of rest has continued. Conveniently, it is HOA’s seventh year—the number and year of rest. Time and time again I have seen God say “stop planning, because I have a different plan”. I have heard Him say, “stop planning, because that person won’t be with you where I’m taking you”. He has been teaching me how to be a more efficient leader. He has been weeding out inefficient workers. And I am always in awe of His tangible work.
So here I sit, and instead of planning, I’m sharing the story.
At the beginning of the year I heard the Lord say, “I have first brought in the hard workers, the blue-collared, the firm foundational stones and pillars for what I’m building. Now watch Me bring in those who are in a spotlight—the white-collared, the evangelicals with name-brand outfits, and the ones who are greatly gifted in the Body of Christ. They are needed to bring this entire plan together. Don’t get derailed by first-impressions, titles, or their looks, because they aren’t the ‘typical’ homesteader. There will be refinement, but differences will bring about Glory.”
Friends, I am not star struck. You all know this if you’ve known me for the last seven years with HOA. I don’t do fancy. I don’t care about your name, your title, or your job. I don’t care how many followers you have. So it’s going to take a LOT to get my attention if you’re rich with thousands of followers and a Coach handbag and Louis Vuitton shoes. Just sayin…this has been a work of God in me in a mighty way because, I generally will write you off if you’re materialistic.
The evangelical world and the homesteading world were about to collide, and God got right on it in our personal lives. There was no room for my first-impressions.
Shortly after that, while watching a YouTube sermon by a well-known pastor, I chuckled when his sermon compared McDonald’s chicken nuggets to how most people have never butchered their own chickens. He compared this to how the body of Christ likes to speak what they know but don’t actually have the experience to back it up. I tagged him in an instagram story of the sermon quote, because that’s what I do (give credit where credit is due). Which quickly transpired into a personal conversation with him in my DM about homesteading. He had studied Urban Agriculture in college, what were the odds?
But here was the unique part that suddenly caught my attention to give him the time of day, he said, “I’m here in NYC because the Lord told me years ago He was giving me the Joseph mantle and I was creating Goshen in the midst of NYC.”
Shocker. There it was. The first of many of these stories that I would see transpire over the next few months, and even in recent days.
In one instance, we did almost get derailed by one man preaching whose $2,000 outfit was so loud I couldn’t pay attention to the words coming out of his mouth. It’s hard seeing something like that when your entire lifestyle and movement God’s called you to build is built upon stewarding your money well. And also, while the pastor is preaching talking poverty in his community. But I was quickly reminded that I should listen to his words, not his outfit, and I was thankful for that reminder.
I was once again reminded that just because someone is an “influencer” who is partnered with God, doesn’t mean there still isn’t refinement needed in their own life. They should not be discredited so quickly. Again, first-impressions had to go out the window on this one.
In fact one instance where the first impression was in favor of someone “like me”, but turned out to be someone who shouldn’t be in my circle. This has been an incredible learning process through the Holy Spirit. Not everyone who is “like you” is going to row in a boat with you. Sometimes they’re the ones making the boat take on water.
Getting back on track…
I have since counted at least 8 to 10 more well-known ministries who have purchased large amounts of land (with zero farming experience), or who have taken on projects to “prep” copious amounts of food as in the days of Joseph. Every one of them have their own “Joseph” or “Goshen” story. I have listened to a well-known prophet who, probably without even knowing, has confirmed all the things the Lord has shown us time and time again as we work quietly behind the scenes.
If you’re not aware of the story of Joseph, let me give you an excerpt from my foreword of Joel Salatin’s new book that’s coming out this fall titled, Homestead Tsunami.
We are a community that bears the Joseph mantle. In the book of Genesis, there is a man named Joseph. You could say he was a homesteader, but honestly, he was just a man of great discernment and influence. A homesteader who saw the warning of what was to come, and decided to change the direction of his entire nation. He was anointed to make a difference by being the difference, bravely and without hesitation. While a seven year famine was ahead of his nation, instead of being loud and fearful, he prepared by creating storehouses full of grain and food. When the famine finally hit, not only did his nation depend on him because he was so wise and discerning, Genesis 41 says that all nations on earth came to Joseph because he had such an abundance from the seven years that he had meticulously cultivated a place of refuge. Eventually, even moving his family to the land of Goshen where there was an abundance and safety.
However, an interesting part of the Joseph story is when the people of the nations didn’t prepare individually, their land and way of living was overtaken by pharaoh. While still being taken care of, they lost everything because of the ruling authorities, and their individual lack of preparation. Suddenly they were dependent on man and government, instead of taking heed and preparing their own households. I think it’s time to prepare your household, don’t you?
In a time that is as uncertain as these times we are living in now, there’s no doubt about why there is a homesteading tsunami bearing down on this nation, and this entire earth. From America to Europe, from Asia, to South America—homesteading is now everywhere, in every land, in every way. Don’t be simple minded enough to believe that homesteading is only about food. Quite the contrary. We are the movement of all things “home”.
I had Joel on the HOA podcast a few months back where we spoke a bit about this. You can read the transcript here, or listen to it on a podcast player or our HOA Youtube channel. If you’re coming to conference this year, you’ll be able to purchase his new book there, as well.
The Lord anoints those who have a great leadership work to do for the Kingdom. He anoints them with supernatural abilities to accomplish this work. Not because they are special, but because they are willing. Because it is all God’s doing, after all. We are just the pen in the hand of the Author, writing the story as He wills it to unfold. We are, in fact, still just sheep in the fold of the Shepherd.
But saying “yes” means sacrifice. The sacrifice of time, moments, unlearning wrong doctrines and trading them for the renewal of your mind through Christ and His Holy Spirit.
Saying yes means most people probably won’t understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Your friends circle will become smaller but more efficient. If you’re married, be prepared to go through a very rough season with your spouse if they aren’t also on board. They will get there, eventually, as God works on their heart. And you’ll have the most incredible marriage experience you’ve ever had if God be the center. The coming together of two to one is truly unexplainable and the most amazing experience of my life.
Saying yes means putting your money where your mouth is. Be wise, but be all in. If God asks you to do something, throw your money at it. He will return it to you. You will always be taken care of through His supernatural ability to provide.
And right now, God is asking so many of us to partner with Him. He is still a God of mysteries. Consider this—Satan believed he could kill Jesus and continue dominion of this world. But God’s plan was always for Jesus to die as the ultimate sacrifice and for us to take dominion more and more. The devil’s moment of “I won” quickly turned into God’s moment of “checkmate”.
Satan is not all-knowing. He does not know the mind and plan of God. How incredible is it that we get to partner with the One that knows all things, can control all things, and still asks us to be a part of His plan?
We can all agree at this point that, according to the world’s track record, and the history of the Bible, that something is coming. Am I talking about the rapture? Eventually. But I’m sure plenty of people thought the rapture was going to happen during the holocaust, and yet, here we are.
Historically, Christians and Jews have been persecuted without the “rapture” happening. I cannot stress this enough. Yet there are countless stories for each of those events where God had previously prepared a place of refugefor so many people.
Something may be coming, but the Lord has already seen it, and He’s been preparing for it.
A Prophetic Word for Homesteading
Some of you have asked me why I think the next seven years are the years of abundance before the years of famine. Joseph saw seven years of abundance before the seven years of famine, to explain that mindset more.
There are a few reasons I feel the Lord has prompted this in my spirit. First, my family is all hands on deck now. We’re all on board. And we now have the greater vision for HOA.
Second, God has set us on a new property that has abundance, and I don’t believe that’s a coincidence. Suddenly, things have shifted. Our land, our livestock, our gardens, our friends group, our beliefs.
Third, the “Great Reset” is aimed to begin in 2030, which is seven years away, and I believe they intend to keep that timeline. I won’t go into details why. But if 2020 taught us anything, it’s that there’s something bigger at play here that has now been set in motion.
Fourth, God’s plan has been unfolding exactly as He said to me that it would this year. And here’s what I believe He’s shown me for the next seven years.
Over the next three years, I feel strongly that this will be a time of the church and the homesteading community colliding in major ways. Over 90% of the homesteading community is Christian, or claims to have some kind of non-denominational or denominational worldview (whether Catholic, Protestant, etc). I see the Lord bringing so many more, though, into the fold. Especially big names and deep pockets. These are the years of becoming established, and of taking back the land and territory. We cannot do this alone, we must be the body together.
However, it’s not just the establishment of people taking over large parcels of land. God is establishing people in cities as well. People who can cultivate a homesteading mindset and community. People who can network with and create a new micro-food system. Don’t ever take human control over this and try to make databases. I’m talking about God supernaturally knitting together groups of people and teams to do His work and be His tangible hands and feet during the coming times.
The remaining four years after that will be years of preparation more and more. We’ll see homesteads not just surviving, but thriving. We’ll see a supernatural settlement of farms and homesteads that are unshakable and completely sustainable. We will see communities beginning to form around small farms and homesteaders for their food instead of the grocery store. We’ll see an increase in knowledge and education like never before. It will truly be four years of supernatural provision, networking, and building.
Likewise, we’ll see legislature try to shut it all down. Hello, Farm Bill 2024? Are you prepared to fight spiritually AND physically? Are you ready to show up to fight legislature these next 7 years before it all goes south? Some of you a specifically anointed to work in the government for this very reason. We aren’t all anointed with the same gifts. This is your wake up call if you’re anointed in this area.
There is always a battle and mission to derail—don’t lose sight of your mission.
Begin cultivating the gifts you believe the Lord has given you. It could be something as simple as raising up your teenagers these next seven years so that they are prepared to lead. Or it could be something greater like taking a chance and buying that land, growing that garden, and supplying to your community. And when I say community, that community begins with your family, extended family, friends, and your 10 neighbors. This is how small farming works. You don’t have to feed the masses if every ten houses is provided for by a small farm or homestead every few miles. Trust me, you won’t be. Your food system needs to be short.
I know what’s coming, to some extent. And what’s most important is that you’re spiritually prepared. Homesteading and planning are fun, but the fun will subside. Are you fully committed to the Lord so that when the physical strength fades, you’re ready to take on supernatural strength? When physical knowledge subsides, are you ready to seek His face without ceasing to know your next steps? When you can’t see around the corner, will you trust Him to be your sniper? I assure you, it is not in your power that this will happen, but His. So set down your self-confidence, your pride, your ego, your distractions, and your plans. They’ll be nothing like His plans, after all. And there’s no room for your thoughts and ego.
Seek first His Kingdom, while building His kingdom, and abide in His secret place. If you can do this, you have nothing to fear (Psalm 91). Be still and know He is God.
I am honored to fight beside you spiritual and physically.
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